Advance booking is essential for all sessions!

We offer 2 sessions per day - 1000-1300/1300-1600 

Tuesday - 1000-1600 - Child sessions

Wednesday - 1000-1600 - Child sessions

Thursday - 1000-1600 - Child sessions

Friday - 1000-1600 - Adult sessions

Saturday - 1000-1600 - Child sessions

Saturday - 1400-1600 - Adults with special needs (integrated session)

Adults may book the sensory room sessions during the week but will not have access to the rest of the playground

School Holiday Opening Times; same as above

We also welcome children without special needs to each session,however children with special needs will always have priority.

Integrated Adult Session (17 years plus)

First Saturday of the month: 10:00-13:00 / 13:00-16:00 Families & young adults.


Suggested Contribution towards the cost of your visit

The suggested contribution for each child or adult with disabilities is £14 per session

The suggested contribution for an all day session will be £20 per child / adult with disabilities

We have introduced a special Family pass for those coming with 3 or more children (applies only to immediate family members).

A Family pass will be £35 per session 

An all day Family pass will be £50 

As always, if our Playground User Contributions cause you any difficulties please ask to speak, in confidence, with a Erin at Reception, we will always strive to find a happy arrangement.

Parents, carers and siblings under 2 years old will continue to be free.

We look forward to seeing you all!



Some points to note.....

Changing Facilities

Wheelchair-accessible loos and changing areas are available, with mobile hoists suitable for users of all ages.


We do not have a canteen facility, however our visitors are welcome to bring a packed lunch and drinks.  Microwaves are available if you need to heat anything up. 

Hot Drinks Machine

We  have a hot drinks machine offering tea, cappuccino, mocha and hot chocolate.  60p a cup.  

Drinking Water

Drinking water is available at the sink in the annexe and from the outside sink by Jock's Cabin.

Nut Free

Please note that TVAP is a NUT FREE zone. Please do not include nut products in your snacks or lunches. 


There is free parking outside the Playground which is very close to the entry gate and suitable for those with mobility issues and using wheelchairs. There is also always space outside for dropping off and picking up.

Smoking and Vaping

We are a SMOKE FREE environment and ask that you do not smoke anywhere on TVAP property.